This is a great American story about a kid and his beloved hunting dog, Simonton. The year is 1943, set in a small rural town on the outskirts of Conecuh County, Alabama. Sol is a 13-year-old Black kid who must face the tight grips of the racialized south while struggling to find his place in a vicious world.
When Sol finds Simonton, he finds just the right companion to join him on this tumultuous journey through the woods, discovering his love for hunting coons, becoming a man, and stepping into the jaws of hate as he races to save his life and protect his community from a potential disaster.
Welcome to the Sol & Simonton Student Workbook! In this workbook, you will be working on a variety on short activities that are geared to help deepen your understanding of many themes and topics in Sol & Simonton, a story about a boy and his dog that takes place in 1943 in Alabama. You will use this workbook to complete fun and engaging activities that were created for use in a classroom or in an online environment.
The objectives in each of the lessons are aligned to Common Core English-Language Arts Standards for grades 9 – 10. Teachers, have your students read along in their novels as they are completing the activities in this workbook. It is also recommended that they work on many of the activities with peers.
Get ready for an exciting experience!!!
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Teddy McMillan, a native of Compton, CA, fell in love with books as a kid. He was awarded a fellowship to participate in the Cosby Screenwriting program at the University of Southern California where he developed one of his extraordinary works: Sonny Skies. He has a wonderful wife and three beautiful children. He has been an educator for many years and earned his doctorate from the University of South Carolina.
He uses the pen name Teddy McMillan for his fictional work and Dr. DuBois Teddy McMillan for non-fiction writings.